
Njpac’s Arts Education Programs empower youth to bring creativity to their performance

New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) Arts Education programs bring a unique approach to arts education, connecting students K-12 with their well-experienced teaching artists. NJPAC’s students enjoy the state-of-the-art performance space for innovative, diverse performance and engagement for students and teachers. Through Jazz, Hip Hop, Acting, Poetry, and more, NJPAC provides its instructors with strategies
Njpac’s Arts Education Programs empower youth to bring creativity to their performance

New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) Arts Education programs bring a unique approach to arts education, connecting students K-12 with their well-experienced teaching artists. NJPAC’s students enjoy the state-of-the-art performance space for innovative, diverse performance and engagement for students and teachers. Through Jazz, Hip Hop, Acting, Poetry, and more, NJPAC provides its instructors with strategies for integrating creative practices into each class.

NJPAC, a widely recognized leader in Arts Education and innovation, welcomes students from the entire state of New Jersey where they can connect with other students to build an artistic community where they grow and create what is important to them through performance. Our Saturday class offerings in jazz, acting, musical theater, band, and hip hop learn with the care and talents of professionally recognized faculty and staff.

Njpac’s Arts Education Programs empower youth to bring creativity to their performance

A student-driven, collaborative, and multidisciplinary program with a civic engagement focus. It was conceived as a safe space for students to discuss and produce art as activism while building social and emotional skills. All students signing up for any Arts Education class are invited to participate in a FREE class called IN THE MIX. Students can also join Creative Coaching, a mentoring program with NJPAC alums and professional performing artists trained to offer guidance and advice. Participants will be paired with a personal mentor based on common performing art interests, career goals, life challenges, and experiences.

Since its start, NJPAC has served thousands of students in the Newark area. Every year, more than 10,000 elementary school students receive high-quality arts education at the NJPAC campus, thanks to a unique partnership with New Jersey’s public school system. Many students in elementary – school engage in creative workshops and presentations.

At NJPAC, students are the priority; they have an essential role to play and perform. Every student will find their voice and share their story. For more information and registration, visit: or call 973.353.7058.


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NJPAC Arts Education


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