
How Success Happened for the Caden Sisters, CEOs and Co-Founders of Belly Bandit and Proof

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Lori Caden, one of the co-founders of Belly Bandit, a brand dedicated to helping women look and feel their best before, during and after pregnancy, had recently given birth and was struggling to regain her confidence. Armed with an abundance of empathy, sisters Jodi and Kari joined her in seeking a solution to her postpartum body blues. In 2008, their research, perseverance and sisterly support resulted in the creation of Belly Bandit and the postpartum Belly Wrap. Doctor-recommended and mom-endorsed, Belly Wraps modernized the ancient practice of belly binding and turned Belly Bandit into a new mom must-have. 

The Caden Sisters

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Since its launch, the company has seen tremendous growth. It has evolved from its signature product, the Belly Bandit Belly Wrap, and expanded to include maternity wear, nursing bras, athleisure and a complete line of compression shapewear with the Mother Tucker Collection. In 2020, the sister-preneurs launched Proof, a female empowerment company that delivers meticulously designed and expertly constructed leak-proof underwear for women ages nine to ninety. With a history of disrupting and revolutionizing the market, the sisters and co-founders of Belly Bandit and Proof are on a mission to create products that empower women and allow them to live life worry-free.

In that spirit of female empowerment, Proof recently announced its official 2021 partnership with the Miss America Organization to celebrate Miss America’s centennial and cultural evolution. In a nod to Proof and Miss America’s shared commitment to championing and educating women nationwide, Proof will help fund college and post-graduate scholarships for Miss America candidates in all 50 States and Washington D.C. 

“We are thrilled at the chance to support Miss America in its centennial year to help make a powerful impact on the education and self-esteem of this next generation of women,” said Jodi Caden, CEO and co-founder of Proof. “This organization’s mission is wonderfully aligned with our modern values of female confidence and empowerment.”

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In addition to delivering products consumers believe in and partnerships that inspire them, the Caden sisters’ brands have benefited from positive media and celebrity buzz. Authentically appreciative testimonials from numerous celebrities have helped elevate the status of their companies, but youngest sister Kari says, “Women truly love to share products they love. We deliver best-in-class products. We listen to every customer and support women in every product. There’s no fooling women into brand loyalty.”

The Caden sisters also lean on their happy memories of growing up in the Detroit area and credit their parents for instilling in them the importance of family, work and striving towards goals. “As best friends, we always dreamed of working together.  Every day, we share and support each other in the ups and downs and decisions,” Lori explains. “Entrepreneurship is a challenge and we’re so fortunate that one of us is always there to pick the others up.”

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