
5 Ways to Save at the Pump in 2022

The rising of gas prices in the U.S in 2021 was 58% and the pump anxiety is real, and could make it way pricier to heat and electrify homes this winter in the U.S. Saving money at the gas pump sounds like an impossibility, but don’t give up just yet! The best way starts with…

5 Ways to Save at the Pump in 2022The rising of gas prices in the U.S in 2021 was 58% and the pump anxiety is real, and could make it way pricier to heat and electrify homes this winter in the U.S. Saving money at the gas pump sounds like an impossibility, but don’t give up just yet! The best way starts with changing your driving habits before you arrive at the pump.

Hypermilers get criticized for radical gas saving maneuvers, like shutting off the engine and turning without power. You don’t have to do anything that’s potentially unsafe to save gas. These are simple, safe ways to conserve gas and save money:

  1. Avoid idling with the motor on. If you dash into a convenience store, don’t leave the motor running. While waiting to pick up the children at school, don’t idle in the long pickup line. Park the car and walk over to pick up the children. There is also a great benefit: you’ll also get some exercise.
  2. Identify the shortest, most efficient route to work, school and grocery store. The main street may look shorter but not if there’s several traffic lights. A back road, even at a slower but consistent speed might be the best gas saving route. Plan multiple stops along the way. Think twice before jumping into the car to drive across town for a $5 savings. With gas prices so high, you can spend more driving to get a sale price than in what you actually save.
  3. Slide, don’t slam. Whenever possible, take your foot off the accelerator and let the car gradually decelerate before reaching a stop sign or red light. Let gravity work in your favor instead of racing to the light only to slam on the brake. That wastes gas and wears out your tires faster.
  4. A well-maintained car operates more efficiently on less gas. Keep your engine tuned, oil changed and fluids at proper levels. Something as simple as keeping the proper type and amount of oil can improve operational efficiency. If the engine strains to function, get an engine diagnostic scan to make certain that things like the valve timing, fuel pump and ignition are operating properly. Spending money on regular tune-ups is cheaper in the long run than the extra cost of gas plus wear and tear on the vehicle.
  5. Drive gently. Changing your driving habits is the cheapest and easiest way to improve fuel economy for any type of vehicle. Don’t race away from the traffic light – instead, make a gradual acceleration. When going downhill, let gravity instead of gas power the descent. Reduce your use of the air conditioner. Open the windows to let out hot air before turning on the air conditioner.

Remember, the next time you fill up at the pump, make note of the amount of gas, price per gallon and current vehicle mileage. You need to monitor the gas usage to evaluate which gas saving techniques work best for your vehicle.

And very important, watch the prices of gas stations on your regular driving route. The same brand name station on the main street or highway entrance is usually more expensive per gallon than the station that’s a few blocks off the main route.

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