
Durante a pandemia, mais consumidores recorreram a música e podcasts para se divertir confortavelmente de suas casas, impulsionando o crescimento exponencial em mídia de áudio.Na verdade, eMarketer estima que os serviços de rádio e áudio digital dos EUA arrecadarão $ 16. 8 bilhões em gastos com publicidade este ano. Embora o rápido aumento de popularidade…

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If you want to build momentum for your New Year’s money resolutions, set some financial improvements into motion before the end of the year. NerdWallet – NerdWallet Here are six easy-to-implement steps to help boost your net worth going into the new year. 1. Mind your health insurance deductibles End-of-the-year financial planning strategies aren’t always this […]

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Omnichannel apparel retailer Gap (GPS) reported a substantial decline in its revenues and profit margins in the last quarter due to inventory shortfalls because of the global supply chain disruptions. As the travel restrictions are reimposed amid concerns surrounding the omicron coronavirus variant, will GPS be able to overcome its production and delivery-related challenges soon? […]

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This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process. Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Now you can create catalogs of your products and services and share them among your contacts without having to send them one by one. This is the new WhatsApp […]

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Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Lori Caden, one of the co-founders of Belly Bandit, a brand dedicated to helping women look and feel their best before, during and after pregnancy, had recently given birth and was struggling to regain her confidence. Armed with an abundance of empathy, sisters Jodi and Kari joined […]

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Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners. Real business gets done on the golf course. Okay, that’s not entirely true, but many entrepreneurs like to […]

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I had written up a commentary that I intended to send out this morning that was going to focus on some bigger-picture, strategic items related to market cycles and developing optimal buy and sell rules. But this notion was destroyed faster than yesterday’s pecan pie, when I glanced at the market futures. Today saw more […]

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As opiniões expressas pelos colaboradores Empreendedor são próprias. De salas de diretoria corporativas a mídias sociais, ESG é o assunto do momento. Aqueles que estiveram em torno do bloco de gestão corporativa se lembrarão de como a “sustentabilidade” mudou do Triple Bottom Line para a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) e, agora, em sua última iteração, […]

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Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. While PR is not, and will likely never be, an exact science, there are certain metrics commonly used in measuring its results. These key performance indicators (KPIs) are vitally important, and should also reflect the brand’s business and marketing goals. For example, is the brand aiming to […]

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Outra boa forma de acumular milhas é por meio de clubes de milhas disponibilizados pelos programas (Foto: Canva) DA REDAÇÃO – Poder acumular pontos promocionais com os gastos do dia a dia, conseguindo excelentes descontos em passagens aéreas, é uma proposta muito interessante. No entanto, o mercado de milhas ainda é um mistério para muitos,…

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A Opep+ é formada pela Organização dos Países Exportadores de Petróleo, a Rússia e seus aliados (Foto: REUTERS) O chefe da Agência Internacional de Energia, Fatih Birol, disse nesta quarta-feira (24) que os mercados de petróleo estão sofrendo com uma lacuna artificial na oferta, e espera que os países produtores da Opep+ façam mais para…

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Consumidores vão às compras nesta Black Friday Milhares de consumidores no Sul da Flórida chegaram bem cedinho aos shoppings e lojas para conseguir as melhores ofertas. Alguns shopping centers abriram as portas às 6 da manhã para agradar os consumidores mais afoitos. O Town Center de Boca Raton, por exemplo, estava aberto às 6am. A…

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