

In recent decades, the global economic scenario has undergone major transformations due to several factors such as globalization, the emergence of new markets, technological and information advances, and a growing demand for novelty, leading to strong socio-economic development and generating changes at various levels in organizations. At the same time, uncertainty and the pace of

Image Apex Brasil Brazilian Trade and Agency Promotion In recent decades, the global economic scenario has undergone major transformations due to several factors such as globalization, the emergence of new markets, technological and information advances, and a growing demand for novelty, leading to strong socio-economic development and generating changes at various levels in organizations.

At the same time, uncertainty and the pace of change directly affected the markets, intensifying competition, which has contributed to the increase of organizational challenges, and creating the need for companies to reassess their strategies.The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), the official Brazilian institution, is responsible for export promotion, foreign investment attraction and internationalizing to Brazilian companies was created in 1997.

It is a non-profit body, created by the Brazilian govenment for collective interest and public utility. and its headquarters are in Brasília, capital of Brazil. However, Apex-Brasil also operates none Business Offices in eight countries, strategically located at relevant global markets including two (2) offices in the United States – Miami and San Francisco, and focused to commercial partnerships, business opportunities, and stronger relationship with foreign trade regulation authorities.

Image The City of San Francisco Have the Second Apex Brasil Office in the United States 1

The city of San Francisco have the second office of Apex-Brasil in the United States

Miami office is the oldest Apex-Brasil bureau outside Brazil, and has been open since 2005. San Francisco was opened in 2015 to incentive business between national technology start-ups and American companies based in the Silicon Valley. Brazil, since years ago have turned a strategic center for information technology, having become the eighth largest market in the world. The best example of this strength and dynamism is the industry that combines IT services and business process outsourcing (BPO).

Both offices in the United States offer a wide range of services, including local market intelligence, local business promotion, support for local installation and partnership for storage and distribution of Brazilian products in the North American market. The Silicon Valley business center is linked to the objectives of the Start-Up Brasil Program of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the project has the objective of fostering the development of the Brazilian start-up communities.

The Apex-Brazil San Francisco office acts as a point of support for Brazilian companies that prioritize the U.S West Coast as target market and, in special, those companies in the technology niche. The local facility in San Francisco support in setting up the business, recommend regarding legal and accounting issues, and helping to open a current account.

The Brazilian Agency Apex-Brazil is the gateway for investors interested in Brazil, but also works to support Brazilian companies interested in doing business in U.S or with American companies. The Agency also works as a one-stop-shop, so the entrepreneur or investor are able to have a direct link with the federal government, state and city governments, regulatory agencies and so on.

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